Acushla and I are very pleased to invite you to "Communicating Effectively about Menstruation on Social Media" - an interactive event about menstruation on social media that will bring together young people and their supporters.
The event presents our research-based guidance on how to communicate effectively with young people about menstruation on social media. You will also be treated to guest talks by the amazing Ruby Raut (CEO of WUKA wear) as well as two incredible members of Ricebox Studio (who create tech for social good). You will have the chance to ask them about their inclusive social media campaigns and advocacy work during Q and As. The event ends with an interactive workshop in which you’ll have the opportunity to plan your own campaign.
This free event is part of the Festival of Social Sciences at the University of Sheffield.
The event will take place on Saturday 4th November 2-5pm, in Workroom 3, at the Diamond, University of Sheffield. Refreshments will be provided, so please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.
As spaces are limited, please sign up via the Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/communicating-effectively-about-menstruation-tickets-719672298217?aff=oddtdtcreator