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Primary Menstrual Health Curriculum - Report now available


Updated: Dec 31, 2024

One of the things I would like to celebrate about 2024 is the impact that our primary menstrual health curriculum has had on pupils and teachers. This curriculum, designed by teacher Belszki and based on my research in schools, was trialed by Belszki in her school in January 2024. She delivered the five lessons (with the support of teachers and teaching assistants) and we collected feedback from pupils and staff.

Quotes from pupils who took part in the 5 lessons (recorded during focus groups)

The curriculum has not only improved the children's knowledge about periods, but has also made them feel more comfortable to talk about periods, and more confident in supporting others. The lessons helped girls to feel more prepared for their first period such as knowing more about the different products that are available (reusable and single-use), how to use and clean them, and how to manage period pain. After the lessons, boys said that they understood girls' experiences better, chose to speak to their families about periods, and offered to support sisters, mums, and peers by running baths and fetching products!

Belszki and I are delighted with the impact the lessons have had on pupils, staff, and the school's culture around periods.

Do you work in a school or youth organisation and would like to see your pupils benefit from this curriculum? Get in touch!

Belszki and I are available for video calls to advise on how to teach the curriculum effectively.

Belszki and I hope to provide training in 2025 (watch this space). You can access the report here.

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1 Comment

Jan 22

Your article is very informative and easy to read.Worldview Academy shines as the best primary school and a trusted Nursery School in Begusarai, offering a supportive environment where children thrive from the start.


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